If you are using a paper or project for the summative course assessment (or in addition to an objective exam), review the following considerations:
- Asynchronous group work can be difficult for students to coordinate. In addition to the guidance in this list, review the section of considerations for group projects that follows.
- If presentation – should be conducted synchronously online via Zoom, or recorded asynchronously via Kaltura and submitted to a Canvas assignment.
- Student hardware/software may be limited – use as little technology as required to meet the outcomes AND ensure it is accessible for all students.
- Make the project transparent by defining a clear: (1) purpose linked to course outcomes, (2) task and procedure for completion, and (3) criteria for scoring – provide a rubric if possible.
- All technical guides for required technology should be provided to students in the project instructions. Do not assume students know how to use a particular tool or know which tools are needed to complete the project.
- Scaffold experience by providing assignments and feedback across the semester that build up to the final paper or project. See Assignments and feedback for additional guidance.