Zoom for Instructors

Join this webinar to learn how to use Zoom to provide your students with short recordings, hold online office hours, have students record their group meetings or dialogues. IU faculty, staff, and students can use Zoom, a video conferencing and online collaboration tool, to host meetings that anyone can join. In this webinar, we will learn how users access their accounts, schedule, manage and record meetings.

Keep Teaching: Zoom for Instructors

Recorded 3-12-2020

Description of the video:

>> Well, welcome everyone to this Keep Teaching webinar on Zoom for instructors, my name is Madeleine Gonin, and I'm located here in IU Bloomington at the Teaching Center, my core host for today is Andi Strackeljahn from IUPUI Teaching Center. So you know we also have some colleagues in the room who are monitoring the chat, so if you have questions as we move through this webinar, please post those in chat, and they can help us as well. We also have some colleague Ross Wilkerson, who can even answer your technical questions, so please feel free to use that chat room. So what are we going to talk about today? Well, we're going to talk about what is Zoom, how to use Zoom for teaching, how to create or host meetings, and then we'll talk about some of the Zoom tools and settings. We certainly wouldn't get to answer, or to explain all of the tools, but the main ones that we see used in teaching. So what is Zoom? It's a web collaboration tool and it's available to all of us at IU. So you can use Zoom, your students have access to Zoom rooms. A regular Zoom meeting room, if you're using the IU version of it, can hold up to 300 students. If you anticipate having meetings with bigger groups, talk to your teaching center consultants. So the helpful thing about Zoom is, it can be integrated into Canvas and there are also mobile apps available, so we anticipate most of your students will probably be accessing Zoom meetings using their mobile apps. So I mentioned the IU Zoom rooms. So to get access to Zoom, we login at zoom.iu.edu, and we'll keep telling you more about that. So why use Zoom for teaching, or how you can use it in your teaching? There are really three main ways that we see, one is just to create a short recording for your students, and by short we mean five minutes. So if you are thinking of recording a whole hour and 15 minutes, maybe think about breaking that down into smaller sections that will be helpful to your students, not just for processing the content, but also if they are in areas with limited internet access. But you can create short recordings of you talking through your slides, which actually that's what we're doing today, I am sharing my slides, we're recording it as I'm talking through it, and so after this session I can make this recording available as well. The second way in which instructors tends to use Zoom is to hold virtual office hours, and then the third way is to record online meetings, as we are doing here. Again, in the next few weeks, we can't assume that all students will be able to attend the live Zoom session, but certainly if you do have meetings, go ahead and record those, that way you can make these available to students after the fact. A quick tip from us, you notice that Andi and I are both wearing these headsets, they are about $30 the best buy, they're very helpful, they cancel out some noise, and just give us much clearer audio. So something to consider if you think you will be using Zoom a lot for teaching, and I'm going to hand it over to Andi to talk about Zoom basics. >> Awesome. So I'm just going to give you a little bit of an overview of Zoom, the basics and its interface before we jump into how to use it with your students. So we're getting there, but we also don't want you all to get lost, by going into too much detail too quickly. So each Zoom room has a unique URL that includes a 10-digit code. So today you joined a room using a meeting ID or a URL, both work, the 10-digit code is a 10-digit code, because then you can also call in using a regular phone. This URL is the link that you would share with your students, and there are three predominant roles in a Zoom meeting, the host which would be you as the meeting creator, a core host, which might be a TA, or a co-teacher of your course, and then participants, which for you all would be your students. So whoever creates those Zoom meeting is the host. Now, Madeleine mentioned something about logging in at zoom.iu.edu, that is how you want to always access Zoom, and that ensures that when you join a meeting or start a meeting, that you are coming in as yourself. If you created the meeting, you want to make sure you are logged in, so that you are the host, some wonky things can happen if you are not logged in as yourself. Also during the meeting, you can record it, which is what we are doing today. So those of you that were asking questions about availability of the slides, or this webinar, this is being recorded. When you record in Zoom, you have of course a video file that is created, but also there is an audio file that you can pull. So that's something that you could also make available to your students, when we're talking about this key teaching scenario, where their access to high-speed Internet might be limited. So here's the Zoom interface when you're joining the meeting as a host, you see that bar across the bottom, which you probably see across the bottom of your screen right now. Then we're going to show you a little more about those settings. So on the far left, you have the microphone icon, if you have multiple microphones, or multiple speakers connected to your computer, you can select which one you want there, and that's the same with the camera. So a lot of times you may only have the camera that's built into your computer, but if you have an external webcam, you can change it over there, and you can also adjust some things about the resolution, or the volume of your microphone right here in these two settings. >> So then if you are not sharing your video, Zoom will default you many times to your profile picture. So this is Madeleine's lovely zoom profile picture. You will notice that green button in the middle of the toolbar on the bottom there and that is how you share your screen and that is what we are doing today as Madeleine already mentioned. It's probably something that you will end up doing with your students either to show them your Canvas course and how you've set it up for them or to talk through some PowerPoint slides. Then Madeleine am I heading this back over to you already? >> Yes, like in seconds. >> That was so quickly. >> Yes. One thing that I felt I should clarify it Andi just mentioned the sharing of your screen, and right now I'm sharing PowerPoint slides, but you can really share anything that's on your screen. So if you are someone who needs to show students how use piece of software or there's something on a website, you want to talk through, those are things that you can do. So how do we actually create a Zoom meeting? So one thing I should put this as a quick tip as well as, actually, this is a big tip is we suggest you schedule a new meeting for each course. This way there's one URL that you share with your students for a course. So you know that your Monday, Wednesday class, that's the Zoom Room that there will always be using. Sometimes people ask, can they just use the same Zoom Room for all of the courses? That could be problematic if you have students who are now coming in and they're in different courses and you might have some FERPA issues. So we recommend scheduling them new meeting for each course. So we log in, it's zoom.iu.edu, and then what you will see on the next screen is a lot of options. For the ones who paid intention through this big blue arrow indicates schedule a new meeting. When you click on that Schedule a New Meeting option, you will get an interface, and I've broken it up into a few different screens where you can enter the topic. So this might be where I say this is my S101 Monday, Wednesday class, and that's what I call them Zoom meeting room, that way I know which course I'm sending it to. You are welcome to fill in the times and duration and all of those things. It doesn't have any effect on when the Zoom Room is available. You can always start and enter a Zoom Room at any time. That's mostly if you want to use the calendaring feature. But as you scroll down towards the bottom of the screen, here are some things to pay attention to. So we asked you today to keep your video off, but we also set it in the meeting room settings for your video and your audio to be off as you enter the room. So if you're expecting to have very large groups of people, that might be helpful. For those of you who are teaching small courses, it might still be helpful. Students might not be quite camera ready. You can ask us after we finish the recording, what exactly that means. But sometimes students aren't quite ready for the video to be turned on so it's better to give them control over that. The other thing towards the bottom of the screen that you see is mute participants upon entry. So this is something that you can set for the meeting room. We also have that capability within a meeting to mute everyone. So that's the thing that might be helpful. So two other options that I see here. I have checked enable join before host. So that's something for you to think about. Do you want your students to be able to enter your Zoom Room before you have actually entered it. So for some classes that might be helpful, it allows students to have some informal chatting while you are not there and for other classes, maybe that's not appropriate. You'll also see in the meeting options section, under the mute participants, I have enabled waiting room. So for those of you who want to use Zoom for office hours, that might be something to consider. That way you have control over when students enter the room so that you know, again, having students overhear conversations that they should not be. At the very bottom of the screen, you also have the option to say record the meeting automatically. So this can be very helpful, that way you don't have to try and remember to do it and you can also set it up to those recordings go directly to Kaltura. When we have a Kaltura webinar later today, that just allows you to have location that students can go to view the recordings. You can also record the meeting and save that file to your desktop. So that's another option. You also see this option to add alternative hosts. So maybe you have a co-instructor or you have an AI that will be helping in the room. So it will be helpful to give them co-host, or to add them as alternate hosts, that where they have some control in the room as well. >> One comment about co-hosts. If you are used to emailing someone at a campus specific email address, say @Indiana or @IUPUC, know that zoom doesn't recognize those people. According to zoom, everyone's e-mail address is their username @IU.edu. So just a note on that. If you're adding hosts here to use their email address @IU.edu. >> Thanks for that tip Andi. So let's talk a little bit more about sharing of content. As I mentioned earlier, we can share our slides, so we can share our whole desktop. We can share a whiteboard, you can share an application, or if you have a second camera, you can even share that as well. So how might you use this? So if you want your just talk through some slides like we are today. This is the type of thing that you can do pretty easily. If you wanted to show a specific process, you can also do that. I've seen instructors use, for instance, a second camera and work through problem sets that way. As I mentioned, you can save the recordings either to your machine or to the cloud, in this case, Kaltura. Andi explained this earlier, but just a reminder, it's very helpful that you can have recordings of the audio separately and then also the video files. So for students who are having trouble with maintaining an Internet connection, you could share, for instance, your slides and the audio file and the video file. So then students can see which of those files they can use. So Andi mentioned this bright green button, the share screen button. Please don't click on that right now because you will take over sharing of the screen option in my meeting room. That's something that you can control by the way. But when I click on the Share Screen button, this is what I see next, as I get to tell Zoom, okay, I wanted to share my desktop or maybe just this website that I'm looking at, the keep teaching one or my PowerPoint slides, and you can even connect other devices as well. If you are going to be sharing slides and you have any audio that you want to play through those slides or if you're on a website and you want to show a video, just make sure to click that Share Computer Sound check box as well. >> So next we're going to talk about actually managing your meeting, and you've seen some of these things already today, we muted the participants. We've asked you to all turn off your video, particularly when Internet speed is slow or intermittent. So sometimes if I'm at home, Zoom is working great, my internet speed is great, and some days it's not great. So then we turn off the video and we can continue with our live's meeting. So if you do have these live sessions with students, you can ask them to turn off the video. Something that we do in webinars is we will actually use the live video as a cue that someone wants to speak. So if you're in a smaller group, that might be something that you can use. We have asked you today, is ask your students to post questions in the chat or let them know if and when they can ask their questions out loud. Some other options that you will have as the host. So you're not seeing all of these options right now because you are not host in this meeting. But when I go to the participants list, I would see all of the participants and I can do things like muting everyone, and that's what you're seeing in the bottom left screen. I can also do things like allow certain students to be co-host, turn on their video, things like that. You can also see here that I have an option in the more drop-down to play an enter and exit Chime. So that's the thing that might be helpful. Again, if you are having office hours, you don't want to be staring at your Zoom room the whole time, but maybe you're working at your desk, so you're going to have this answer Chime that will act as a doorbell and let you know that someone's in your room. Allowing students to rename themselves, and do that at your own risk. That can be helpful in some cases, but just know that students will be very creative [LAUGHTER]. So there are also some chat options that you can enable. So right now in this chat room, I believe we can share files, so that's something that we specifically enabled for this meeting. So that can be helpful if you're anticipating that you want to share documents or files with your students or if you want them to share files with one another. You can also decide whether or not students or participants can chat just with you, if they can chat with everyone publicly, or whether you also will allow them to chat privately with one another. Then based on yesterday's webinar, we decided to add something about breakout rooms, since this is a question that keeps coming up, and we'll actually experience this in just a moment. So breakout rooms allow you to group your students into smaller rooms. In this case, I only have two participants, so I can only select two rooms. But when I'm going to set up the breakout rooms, and here we will actually ask Ross to demonstrate that, you will see that we can determine the size of those breakout rooms. You can let Zoom create the breakout rooms, and put students in there automatically, or you can manually allocate students to specific rooms. Here on the right-hand side, you can see I can rename breakout rooms, I can delete rooms, I can move students around, and then I can open all of the rooms at once. So this might be helpful if you want your students to have a quick group discussion, and then report out. In some language courses, you'll have students use breakout rooms and actually create short recordings in there. An alternative would be to just have students record in their own Zoom Rooms. So when we create these breakout rooms in a moment, and we look at the tools that are available to you in those rooms. Then when I want to close a breakout room or close all of them, I can actually broadcast a message to all the students saying, "Hey, we have another minute or so, make sure you come back with your three main points," and then you can close all of the rooms at once. So Ross, I think at this point, do you want to demonstrate breakout rooms for us? >> I will be happy to. Once again, you'll have to make me host, only the host has access to that control. >> Okay. Let's see. >> Then Kimmaree, would you like to narrate again? You had an excellent blurb about breakout rooms the other day. >> Absolutely. She'll have to make all center another co-host again once we do this. So go ahead and share your screen. He's going to show us down at the bottom. For the breakout rooms, basically it has to be enabled for the room ahead of time, and the idea is that we're going to decide how many breakout rooms we want to have, and so we can assign. We got 230 participants today, and he can choose how many rooms we want to break those 230 participants into. So right now, he can choose how many rooms we're going to break those participants into. So obviously, we're going to try and break those participants into a fairly large number of rooms, otherwise we're going to be overwhelmed. We can automatically break those people into a certain number of rooms or we can manually choose. So depending on whether or not you already have set groups that you know you want your students to meet with or whether it's a task that you want your students to work on within a new group of students, you can choose to have them broken up automatically or you can set them up into a manual group. Now, you can't set those manual groups up until the students are in the Zoom Rooms. You can't arrange that before they arrive. That is one question that came up yesterday. So it has to be just the people that are in the room when you do this. The automatic is great for a large group like this one because it just randomly assigns people. So what Ross is going to do is, just for a minute, punch us out into a room, and it will let us choose how long we will stay in the room. If we want to have it be it for automatic amount of time, he'll also let us choose how much warnings students get before they get brought back into the main room. So if we want to give them 60 seconds warning or just to maybe 10 seconds warning before we are all brought back into the main room. It also will decide whether people are moved into the breakout rooms automatically or whether they choose when they are moved into those rooms. It basically gives them the chance to talk in those rooms amongst themselves. It's great for group work, a chance for them to talk amongst themselves. The host can choose to drift from room to room, say, "Hey, how are you doing? Are you wrapping things up? Do you have any questions?" Before you come back to the main room. Ross, are you ready to open our rooms? >> Shall we? All right. >> Do it. Then you have to say, yes, your host is inviting you to join your room, so let's join. >> As folks are on the way out, they will see those join controls that the host gets to move between the rooms. We'll go ahead and bring everybody back. Welcome back everyone. >> Thank you, Ross. That was very helpful. [LAUGHTER] One thing that I mentioned in my breakout room is the recording will follow the host. So if you want students to be recording their dialogues, their discussions be sure to remind them to actually record that. So let's see here, and I'm going to continue. So I think I've seen a few chests go by, we have mentioned meeting settings, so a lot of these options, such as whether a must you're going to be using breakout rooms. You do that at the zoom.iu.edu site. This is where we came earlier to schedule a new meeting, but here on the left menu, you see that there's a settings option. >> Madeleine, can you re-screen share. >> Oh right. Yes, sorry. [NOISE] There we go. >> Awesome. >> Okay. So there's zoom.iu.edu site when you log in. The left menu is the settings option, and that's where you can go in to enable these things such as breakout room, whether or not students are allowed to chat privately with one another, or add files. It's a pretty long list of settings, so when you find yourself with extra time, definitely look through those. Actually, one thing that we haven't mentioned today, and I don't know if you want to enable the poll, but there's also a polling feature. >> I will do that in just a moment. I wanted to clarify a few things that have flown by regarding recording. >> The way, just to reinforce what Madeleine already shared. The host has recording privileges. When you enter breakout rooms, the meeting recording, then follows wherever the host is. So [NOISE] things can become odd [LAUGHTER] when you are recording and using breakout rooms, if you as the instructor are moving between those rooms. So that's just something to keep in mind that if you're using breakout rooms, maybe you want to pause your recording while you're moving between student groups, and then restart it once you come back together. Then earlier when we were looking at meeting settings, there was a setting about enabling a waiting room. So just to explain a little bit about the waiting room, the way that works is you still join the meeting, but then you're actually hanging out, waiting to be added to the meeting. So as the host of the meeting, you receive a notification that pops up in that bottom toolbar of Zoom that says so and so is waiting to join. So this is advantageous if you're having one-on-one meetings with students or trying to conduct office hours. So you can be meeting with one student and when the next student shows up, you can wait to admit them into the room until you've wrapped up with the student you're meeting with now to avoid any FERPA issues. So I just wanted to clarify those two things about, we had a moment before diving in any further. >> Thank you, Andi. Actually, I realized I could just share the poll. [OVERLAPPING]. >> So polls. >> Go, Andi. >> So I am going to share a poll with you all. It should now have popped up on your screen. So feel free to click in and respond. I'm seeing in live, how many people are answering, this gives me an idea of how many people are actively paying attention, and I've figured out how to use the poll. So I don't want to assume that the 20, 40 people that haven't answered are off playing with their cat, but I do have an idea that at least 180 of you have seen this, and have figured out how to respond to it. Also, we found this out yesterday, depending on which version of Zoom you're using. If you are not using the Zoom App, and you are accessing Zoom through just the browser, certain browsers do not support this poll because it's a popup. So if you're using Internet Explorer or it's called Edge now. If you're using Edge, we found out that this will not work for you. So that's something to be aware of or if you're using an out-of-date browser, this may not work for you. So this is something you might want to do with your students. I can end the poll, and I can share the results with you. So you can see on your screen now where people are coming from. Do note that this can be useful, but is not something that you can do ad hoc. I created this poll yesterday before we started this series of webinars. So this is something that, again, you have to do in the zoom.iu.edu site in advance of your meeting, just like enabling those breakout rooms. >> Yes. Thank you, Andi. I would say it's a pretty simple interface to use. So setting up the poll is not very complicated, but as Andi said, you want to do that before you actually start your meeting. So I'm going to close that for a moment, and just summarize with some useful options that we have discussed today. So thank you, Andi, for again clarifying the waiting room option for office hours, and you can consider using that door chime option, if you're sitting at your desk and you can hear when students are entering a room. If you are having class meetings again, please record those. Since we can't assume that students will be able to enter live sessions, but certainly encourage your students to also form study groups. Again, they have access to Zoom as well. So some settings you can consider enabling is allowing for file transfer in the chat. Polling, these breakout rooms, and you might consider allowing students to join your rooms early. Again, to allow them for some informal discussions and still have that sense of learning community when they are entering these rooms. Then one thing we didn't mention early on is just, Zoom has mobile apps. Just be aware that the interface will look different depending on the device that you're using. So if you are going to be hosting live sessions, we highly recommend that you do that from your laptop or desktop. It's not impossible to do it from other devices, it's just that you might not have access to all of the tools. So also be patient with your students as they are entering Zoom rooms, but there are also lots of good resources I would say, that actually Zoom has really good and very short videos that I might recommend you send to students or their tutorials so that if students are having trouble connecting, that's something that they can do. Speaking of which, if students are having technical issues, please send them to the UITS Support Center. You don't have to be technical support for your students. Definitely remind them that they can contact the support center 24/7, 365. Also, don't be shy. Come and see us at the teaching centers. We are happy to help you. Probably you will be seeing us via Zoom in the upcoming weeks, but we're happy to talk to you about technical issues. But any questions you also have about moving your class online or teaching strategies. Then I would also recommend keeping an eye on the keepteaching.iu.edu site. It's being updated regularly, and particularly have a look at those resources and strategies sections. Kim, if you could, when you have a moment, just share the recordings playlists. So all of these webinars are being recorded. We're working on professional captioning for yesterday's webinar. So who wants to review some of this information, you can also do that. >> All right. I wanted to make sure that there were some recurring questions in the chat, Madeleine, that I think everyone would benefit from. If you could show us what it looks like to integrate Zoom with your Canvas course, and which I know it's going to take you a minute to pull up Canvas. So while Madeleine pulls up Canvas, there was a question about students' ability to share their screen. So as a participant, the default setting is that anyone can share their screen. So like Madeleine mentioned earlier, please click the share button. That will kick us out of sharing. So your students can share their digital design or something like that whatever is on their screen, whether that is something in a browser, in a word document, anything that's on your screen can be shared. Also, just like you can go to zoom.iu.edu and log in and create a meeting, your students can do the exact same thing. So if they are trying to continue work on a group project, they can use their own Zoom rooms for that. You do not need to set that up for them. Under meeting settings, there is an option to put in a password to join the meeting. Generally, that's not necessary, and then just provides another barrier to getting your students into this Zoom meeting. So generally that's not necessary, and if you're putting a link in Canvas to get over to Zoom, your students are already going to be logged in to their IU account. So it'll be very easy for them to get into your room, and you will see their IU username. Some of you, your names are showing up today as maybe not your IU username or you were asked to enter one when you joined. That's just because of how you got to the link for today. So the safest thing to do is to put your Zoom room link in a Canvas announcement or module, wherever it makes sense for how you're using Canvas right now. If you have questions about using Canvas and moving your class online, we have a webinar specifically for that later today, and every day next week. The full listing of Keep Teaching webinars are available on the Keep Teaching website, which I believe has been posted a few times in chat. It looks like Madeleine is ready to show us a little bit of Canvas in Zoom. >> Yes. Actually, probably the simplest way for you to share the zoom link with your students is to actually just put it in an announcement. So one thing that I can do, give me just a moment as I can grab the Zoom room URL, which I can do as a host from in my room. There's actually a little invite button, and from that, I can copy the URL. So the Zoom room information may put some useful introductory text there, and I can just provide the link to my students and send that out as an announcement. My other option is to actually add it to my list of tools here in the left bar. So to do that, I would go to the settings tool, I understand that we just leave your site and not save. You should save your materials. >> I'm going to go to the apps. Again, I've clicked on Settings and then Apps, and I'm looking for this blue curved arrow, that's the redirect tool. What this is going to allow me to do, is actually add a link to my Zoom Room in my list of tools in Canvas. So [NOISE] Zoom Room for meetings. I can put in the URL, and I can click on the show and course navigation. Then, it will show up for you in your to-do list. Andi Jahn, who talks through our other option, what do you think that's enough options for now? >> Someone asked about adding it to a module, so if you want to show that. >> So for module. There is actually going to do a webinar very soon about modules [NOISE]. But I have a module here. Let's say Andi, I go to External Tool, I'm going to scroll all the way down here to Zoom. Let's see. Andi, do we put our and? >> Yeah. Then you'll put your specific Zoom Room meeting URL there. >> Do you recommend that we load it in a new tab? >> Yes. That makes life easiest. Then, Add Item and now this Zoom Room is in the module. If you click this three dots on the far right, you can rename that link. Canvas, by default, calls it Zoom, which may not be super useful to your students. So you could call that office hours, synchronous meetings, project updates, whatever makes sense. Regardless of how you add this to your course site, if you're adding it as a module item, if you're adding it to the course navigation like Madeleine first showed, make sure that you post an announcement that includes instructions for your students on how to join your Zoom meeting. We don't want to assume that they have done that before or that they're comfortable with that process. So if you plan on using Zoom with your students, do also include instructions for them on how you're expecting to use Zoom and the actual technical guides that are available. So yes, that process was shown quickly. But again, everything that we've talked about today, there is extensive documentation on that's available through the knowledge base and through Zoom. This webinar recording is also available. Oh, right. Attendance. Kim reminded me that we had a lot of questions around attendance since in a face-to-face class, there are normally points associated or many times there are points associated with attendance. If you're coming, if you're pushing students from Canvas into your Zoom Room, then you can use the Zoom Report to see who was in the meeting that day. Do note that Zoom, the reports and the recordings, they're not instant. So as soon as a meeting ends, the recording takes time to process. It takes time for Zoom to also send that over to Kaltura, and then Kaltura to process that media. So there is some lag between like a synchronous meeting and being able to post that to your students. But it's not problematic or severe, it just it's not instant. >> We're just reminding everyone to be flexible with attendance [NOISE]. Again, we don't know what situations students are facing when they are at home or wherever they find themselves. So you can certainly talk to your teaching center consultants about alternative ways in which students can participate or still show that they are engaging in your course. So, but we are happy to talk to you about that. >> So Madeleine, can you show actually Zoom interface and seeing that Attendance report? >> Yes, I can do that [OVERLAPPING]. Give me just. >> She's going to take a minute to pull that up. Someone asked about whiteboard feature of Zoom. So you'll notice when you go to share screen, you get to select any of the open windows or an entire monitor, or you can share a whiteboard. We're not going to have time to get into that today because we're at time. But that could be useful if you're needing to draw circuit diagrams or molecular structure. Just know that it gets a little difficult for some students trying to draw with a mouse. So if you as an instructor plan to do white boarding stuff, just know that it's easier if you have a touch screen device for that. You can get pretty good at drawing with a cursor, but it's like when you go to sign your name on one of those screens at the grocery store, it doesn't always [LAUGHTER] turnout what it would really look like. So here we are in the Zoom interface. Madeleine, if you go to reports on the far left there. Then, we can see there are two different options here, usage and meeting. We actually want to go to usage for this. Then, we can see all of the meetings that had happened in this account. Maybe let's click on, not that one though, the one below there. So if we click on the participant's number, we're going to see who those participants were, when they joined and left that meeting. You can export this as a CSV file, which can be opened by Excel. The other button we saw under Reports instead of usage, the Meeting. That would be where you would see data regarding a poll or if you required attendees to register, which is a whole other thing. But again, know that these reports do not generate instantaneously. It does take a little while for them to show up. So don't be worried if your class ends, and you don't see something there in the first half-hour. We all have to have a little patient at this time. So with that, I'll remind you that the most up-to-date information about this temporary moved online is available at keepteaching.iu.edu. That is where you can find tons of resources. It's where you can sign up for additional, keep teaching webinars, and access the recording of this webinar. We will be sending out a message after words with some of the links that we shared today. But unfortunately, we have to stop here because we are getting ready to start another webinar on Canvas here shortly. >> Yes. Thank you everyone. We have saved the chat, I know this came up. So we will try to in the followup messages, respond to some of these questions. So thank you very much, and let us know how we can help. >> Again, you still have questions we understand where members are teaching center to help you. We're not going anywhere. Contact us. We will answer your questions. As I liked.

Webinar Outline

What is Zoom?

  • Zoom is a web collaboration tool
  • Available to all IU students, staff, and faculty
    • Visit zoom.iu.edu to log in to the dashboard, get the URL to your meeting room
    • Run the Web extension or Download the app - https://zoom.us/download
    • Apps for all platforms, including fully-featured iOS and Android apps.
    • A regular Zoom meeting can support up to 300 simultaneous participants, while a large meeting (available on request) can support up to 500 participants; https://kb.iu.edu/d/anmm
    • Log in at zoom.iu.edu

Why use Zoom for teaching?

  • Hold virtual office hours
    • Give your students a meeting time and the link
    • As a helpful hint can turn on 'Play sound on join/leave' to notify you if/when a student joins the office hours session (will show how later)
  • Record online meetings to share with your students
    • In some cases, it might be possible to meet synchronously, but we cannot assume that all students will have stable internet connections
    • Record the meeting to share with all students
  • Create short recordings for your students
    • Explain course content
    • Share your slides (voice-over ppt)
    • Share screen to show students how to use the software, demonstrate a process, etc.
    • Use Kaltura if you do not have live participants

Quick tip: use a headset for teaching

Zoom basics

  • Each Zoom room has its own URL and 10-digit code
  • NOTE: Make sure you log in at zoom.iu.edu; don't just join your own meeting room
  • Major roles in Zoom: Host, co-host, and participant
    • Interface changes based on your role and device you are using. Because of this we recommend that hosts use their laptops or desktops to host meetings so that they have access to all the meeting tools available to hosts.
  • Assign roles
    • Can make someone a co-host
      • reasons why: AI, guest speaker, group leader, etc.
      • Teaching tip: can be helpful to assign a TA as co-host, if available – gives them permission to mute/enable audio, record etc.
    • Transfer host to someone else – lets the meeting continue after you leave
  • Recording a meeting: saves audio and video files

How to set up audio/video

  • Before you enter a room, you are prompted to choose how to connect your audio
  • The green button automatically uses Computer audio; Zoom is good at guessing which mic/speakers you want to use
  • After you have entered the room, you can control the audio/video from the Zoom toolbar on the bottom left
    • Click the arrow to see Audio Options; troubleshoot with Audio Options (takes you to initial Join Audio dialog box)

Brief interface introduction

Navigating Gallery/Speaker views and fullscreen/original size

  • Double-clicking the interface toggles between fullscreen and original size
  • Gallery View lets you see speakers in mini-view
  • Speaker view enlarges the person speaking
  • If someone shares, it might jump to full screen – don't panic

Zoom tools menu

The Zoom tools at the bottom of the screen disappears to give you a full view of the meeting. Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen to activate it again

  • Mute- use this to mute and unmute yourself
  • Start video- start and stop your video
  • Participants (or Manage Participants) – see who is in the meeting, rename yourself, host can control settings for participants here
  • Share Screen – share materials from your machine with meeting attendees
  • Chat – this is where you are posting questions and we are sharing resources with you
  • Record – host and co-hosts can record meetings.

Note: italics indicate tools only visible when you are host/co-host

How to host a meeting/Create a Zoom meeting

We recommend having a Zoom room for each course. You can have as many rooms as you want. Depending on the nature of your office hours you might want a separate room for it so that you can enable the waiting room feature.

  • Go to zoom.iu.edu
  • IU login/Duo authenticate
  • Zoom Profile and User Settings – nice but not necessary
    • Add a picture so that your picture is displayed when your video camera is turned off. Turning off your video saves bandwidth.
  • Go to Meeting tab, click Schedule a New Meeting button. We recommend you schedule a meeting room for each course. These are recommended settings for classes:
    • Video – Host and Participant video: Off
    • Audio – keep both selected
    • Recommend starting with participant audio and video off when you meet
    • Recommended meeting options:
      • Mute participants upon entry
      • Enable waiting room (for office hours or smaller meetings; requires you to manually admit participants)
      • Only authenticated users can join (reduces chance of uninvited guests joining your meeting)
    • Record the meeting automatically
      • Locally – this saves it to your machine
      • On the CLOUD – goes directly to Kaltura
    • Alternative hosts: add them with @iu.edu addresses (not @indiana.edu or other campus-specific addresses)
    • Once your meeting is created, your meeting room URL (web address) will be displayed. Paste that URL in email/Canvas tools to share with your students

How to start a scheduled meeting

  • If you just scheduled the meeting: Save the meeting
  • Click Start
  • If you're not in Zoom yet
    • go to zoom.iu.edu;
    • log in thru CAS;
    • navigate to Meetings tab;
    • Click Start

Share Screen

  • Share slides, desktop, whiteboard, application, 2nd camera
  • Record discussion of your slides, showing a specific process etc.
  • Can save the recordings to your machine or to the cloud (Kaltura)
  • Recordings include separate audio and video files; share audio files for students who have trouble maintaining an internet connection
  • Quick tip: decide whether participants can share content
  • Note: If you need to share and record audio from a website, slides etc. -> select Share computer sound so that participants can hear the audio

Recording meetings

  • It does not include the Chat – you may want to repeat questions out loud. Better than just having the chat file, because it's in context.
  • Local recording saves recordings to Zoom folder on your machine
  • Can record directly to Kaltura ("Record to the cloud")
    • Note: you MUST have logged into kaltura.iu.edu at least once, or your cloud recording will be difficult or impossible to find.
  • Takes times for recordings to process after the meeting has ended
  • Will have access to audio and video files; share it along with slides for students with a slow or intermittent internet connection. You might want to number your slides and/or use verbal cues so that students know which slide you are talking about.

Breakout groups

Use breakout rooms to break up into smaller groups for brainstorming, small discussions, or practicing presentations and dialogues

  • Split participants in up to 50 separate breakout rooms with up to 200 participants
  • Split participants automatically or manually
  • Can set up breakout rooms before the meeting
  • In breakout rooms the participants have access to audio, video, chat, screen share and recording options


Manage your meeting

  • Mute participants (in meeting settings or during a meeting in the Manage Participants panel)
  • Turn off video to save bandwidth; use live video as a cue that they want to speak
  • Ask students to post questions in chat or let them know if/when they can ask questions out loud
  • Turn off screen sharing for participants
  • Disable private chat


Manage participant options for the host

  • Mute all - good for eliminating pesky audio feedback quickly
  • Ask to start/stop video and audio
  • Chat privately with a specific person
  • Put in the Waiting Room (if the feature is enabled)
  • Kick someone out if necessary
  • Lock Meeting if all participants are in the room

Other hints for managing participants

  • Door chime- Play sound on join/leave helpful for virtual office hours
  • Waiting room- also helpful for office hours esp. if students are sharing personal information/concerns etc.
  • Turn off private chat in the Chat window dropdown menu
  • Next to Share Screen button is a menu where you can specify that only the host can share their screen and/or only one person can share their screen at a time

Access these settings by logging in at zoom.iu.edu and click on the Settings link in the left menu


How to integrate Zoom with Canvas

Instructions available at https://kb.iu.edu/d/aodd

  • Share Zoom room link via Canvas Announcement, in a Module, or add it in the list of course tools
  • Posting recordings


  • Troubleshooting during a Zoom meeting
    • Collaboration Technologies – 812-856-2020, collaboration.iu.edu, cthelp@iu.edu
  • Where to go with questions